Has anyone used LetsEncrypt to setup SSL for Asterisk?

I have deployed Let’s Encrypt with Asterisk. Several key points:

  • By default, Asterisk’s system user cannot access /etc/letsencrypt/live. I solved this by copying (and chowning) the needed files into /etc/asterisk/... in my cron script that also takes care of refeshing the certs. This was actually the hardest part to figure out, because if Asterisk fails to open the cert/privkey file, it will report a generic certificate error and not a file access problem.
  • You should use fullchain.pem as the tlscertfile, some clients may not trust Let’s Encrypt’s root cert yet.
  • Some clients may not support Subject Alternative Names in certificates. I strongly suggest that the server name your clients use is the Common Name, i.e. the first domain specified when using certbot.