Getting Asterisk To work with Ericsson DBC 4422 02 IP Phones


I have installed 2 Ericsson DBC 4422 02 IP Phones (SIP protocol) & 2 soft phones X-Lite at Asterisk.
When I call from one soft phone to other one, work fine.
When I call from soft phone to an Ericsson IP Phone, phone rings and the voice is trasmeted only from IP Phone to Soft phone and not vice versa.
From an Ericsson IP Phone I can’t dial any number in the system.
Do anybody have installed an Ericsson IP Phone on Asterisk platform?
If yes, please send me the write config.

Help me to resolve this situation (even with extention config., dial plan). I am new in Asterisk.

Thank You.

Nobody Knows it???!!!

Did you ever seen Ericsson IP Phone Before?

I welcome any sugestion from you.


So this is a very old thread, still worth a try…

I am having similar troubles, did you ever manage to solve yours?
Anyt hints you can share?
