Experiences adding Asterisk GUI to an existent server

I have been following the progress of AsteriskNOW, but I would never install it as it requires a dedicated machines, and installation from CD-ROM.

I happen to have a nicely configured Asterisk, which I have been administering through the console CLI over the years, and now would like to add the Asterisk GUI to play with it, and show some eye candy to prospective customers. If I like it, I will stick with it.


My fundamental concern with GUIs is whether they are bi-directional and will accept and parse pre-existent configuration files. If I make manual changes to the ASCII config files, they will be understood by the GUI layer, correct?



If the code you write is something that the GUI “has” then yes it will see it. What I mean by has is something that the GUI would come up with. If not then it will s till work but you won’t see it in the GUI.