I have two Grandstream HT801’s that I am testing with.
The phones both work, and I can call either direction without problems. They both show as registered in their web control panel, and pjsip show endpoints
shows both of them registered.
However, on one of the HT801’s the phone LED does not light up (there is a “phone”, “globe (internet)”, and “power” LED – see pic here…)
If I pick up the phone on the regular HT801, I get a dialtone and the phone LED flashes. If I pick up the phone on the weird HT801, I get a dialtone but the LED does not flash.
The manual says “ON (Solid Blue) - Registered and Available”. Is it possible that this phone is somehow registered but not “Available”, even though calls work fine?
Can I somehow query Asterisk to help debug?
I suppose the LED could be broken, but my memory is that a week ago when I was testing this the LED was working fine.
The “weird” HT801 is a v1 hardware, and the non-weird HT801 is v2 hardware. Both have identical (latest) firmware installed, and their configurations are totally identical except for the SIP login credentials.
The phones are behind a NAT, if that matters (the same NAT: I have both of them in one place during testing.)
I don’t see anything weird with verbose logging and pjsip debug logging on.
I was recently tweaking firewall rules for the server, so I thought that might have somehow affected things, but even if I open up the firewall entirely and reboot everything, the issue remains.
pjsip show endpoints (endpoint 42 is the one with no phone LED):
Endpoint: 25/25 Not in use 0 of 1
InAuth: 25/25
Aor: 25 1
Contact: 25/sip:25@;x-ast-orig-host ec508a86ff NonQual nan
Transport: transport-udp-nat udp 0 0
Endpoint: 42/42 Not in use 0 of 1
InAuth: 42/42
Aor: 42 1
Contact: 42/sip:42@;x-ast-orig-host 6af422292d NonQual nan
Transport: transport-udp-nat udp 0 0
Any ideas? Thanks!