Easy to Access Telephone Directory AGI

I’ve wrote this for myself at home and thought it may be of interrest to others.

The purpose of this agi script is to provide an online telephone directory that can be easily accessed using the numbers on the phone dial pad.

You select entries by spelling out the name of the person you want to contact using the phone dial pad. Now this is normally pretty labourious so the script provides a few shortcuts to make things easier.

The best way to illustrate this is by example:
Say you want to phone John Smith:

  • You would start by typing 5, this would find all entries that start with j,k or l.
  • Next you would type 6 which would narrow down the selection to all tries starting with either “j”, “k” or “l” followed by either “m”, “n” or “o”.
  • You continue to spell out the name in this fashion (4 = gHi, 6 = mnO, etc) until either a distinct match is found in the direcotry or the number of
    matches is 9 or less.

If a distinct match is found the number associated with the name is returned and can be dialed.

If the number of matches is 9 or less you can have an IVR menu containing the matching names built on the fly and you will be prompted to select a name (e.g. Press 1 for John Smith, Press 2 for John Doe etc). Once a name is selected the number associated with the name is returned and can be dialed.

Now you might think that this is still pretty laborious but in fact you usually only have to spell out the first few letter of the first name and the last name to get a good match.

Other feature include:

  • Being able to jump to the last name without having to finish spelling out the first name (i.e. Press 0 to skip to the last name)
  • Multiple numbers can be associated with a name. In this case you will be prompted to select which number you wanted returned for dialing e.g. Press 1 for Home, Press 2 for Business, etc)
  • Undo last typed entry in case you misstyped something
  • Wildcard matching (Press 1 to match any letter)
  • IVR menus built on the fly so you do not need to prerecord anything
  • IVR menus cached (the more you use it the quicker it gets)
  • Returns the selected number in the variable “DIRNUMBER”


Version: 0.1

File: directory.agi

The purpose of this agi script is to provide an online telephone directory

that can be easily accessed using the numbers on the phone dial pad.

You select entries by spelling out the name of the person you want to contact

using the phone dial pad. Now this is normally pretty labourious so the script

provides a few shortcuts to make things easier.

The best way to illustrate this is by example:

Say you want to phone John Smith:

- You would start by typing 5, this would find all entries that start with

j,k or l.

- Next you would type 6 which would narrow down the selection to all entries

starting with either “j”, “k” or “l” followed by either “m”, “n” or “o”.

- You continue to spell out the name in this fashion (4 = gHi, 6 = mnO etc)

until either a distinct match is found in the direcotry or the number of

matches is 9 or less.

If a distinct match is found the number associated with the name is returned

and can be dialed.

If the number of matches is 9 or less you can have an IVR menu containing the

matching names built on the fly and you will be prompted to select a name

(e.g. Press 1 for John Smith, Press 2 for John Doe etc). Once a name is

selected the number associated with the name is returned and can be dialed.

Now you might think that this is still pretty laborious but in fact you

usually only have to spell out the first few letter of the first name and the

last name to get a good match.

Other feature include:

- Being able to jump to the last name without having to finish spelling out the

first name (i.e. Press 0 to skip to the last name)

- Multiple numbers can be associated with a name. In this case you will be

prompted to select which number you wanted returned for dialing (e.g. Press 1

for Home, Press 2 for Business, etc)

- Undo last typed entry in case you misstyped something

- Wildcard matching (Press 1 to match any letter)

- IVR menus built on the fly so you do not need to prerecord anything

- IVR menus cached (the more you use it the quicker it gets)

- Returns the selected number in the variable “DIRNUMBER”

So now that you are interrested the next question is how do you get this thing

up and running?

First off you need the following:

- Festival

- Perl

- The Perl module Asterisk::AGI

Then just follow the next couple of steps:

1). Place this file in the Asterisk agi-bin directory (/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin)

and check the section “Check the following and adjust to your local environment”

to make sure it fits with your needs

2). Create an extension something like this:

exten => 100,1,AGI,directory.agi|Phonebook}

exten => 100,2,GotoIf($["${DIRNUMBER}" = “”]?3:4)

exten => 100,3,Hangup

exten => 100,4,Dial(SIP/${DIRNUMBER}@GW-PSTN,30)

3). Create a phone directory file called “Phonebook” and place it in

the directory /usr/share/asterisk/directory/.

The phone directory conisist of one Heading Line and multiple Entry Lines

The “Heading Line” has the following format:

First NameLast NamePhone Location 1Phone Location 2…

where by the must be a real tab character and there can be up to a

maximum of 9 phone locations

The “Entry Lines” contain the actual data for the heading line columns also

seperated by characters.

Sounds complicated but the following example should help you understand:

First NameLast NameCompanyBusiness PhoneHome PhoneMobile Phone

RemkoGolden+49 (89) 145456

PeterKlein0221 87654230

ClaudiaThompson052 52586345069 87654780171 65443897

Of course you can always also do what I did and that is to use the Microsoft

Outlook export feature.

To Do:

- Find undo bug. Sometines after an undo the search gets confused and returns

the wrong results.

- Allow skipping between first, last and company names. The handling is not that

clean and you cannot switch back and forth.

- Currently all the IVR prompts are build on the fly and cached. It would be

better to cat snippets together and use those. Would be simple if STREAM FILE

could take a list of files instead of just one.

- Cleanup the Perl code.

- Added ability to prerecord names as some are hard to understand.

Copyright © 2006 C. de Souza ( m.list at yahoo.de )

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2

of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

use Asterisk::AGI;
use File::Basename;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);


Check the following and adjust to your local environment


location of the phone directory files

local $DIRECTORYDIR="/usr/share/asterisk/directory/";

location of the wave file cache and owrking directory

local $SOUNDDIR = “/var/lib/asterisk/festivalcache/”;

festival text2wave location

local $T2WDIR= “/usr/bin/”;

International Country Code

local $INTLCOUNTRYCODE = “\+49”;

International Dialing Code

local $INTLDAILINGCODE = “00”;

National Dialing Code



Local stuff, should not require changing

local $hitCnt = 0;

local $FLSEPERATOR = “~”;

local %directory;
local %directoryOrig;

local $searchstr = “”;
local $searchstrOrig = “”;

local @numberLabels = ();

local $MODE_COMMAND = “command”;
local $MODE_ERROR = “error”;
local $MODE_EXIT = “exit”;
local $MODE_FOUND = “found”;
local $MODE_SEARCHING = “searching”;
local $mode = $MODE_SEARCHING;

#my $debug = 1;

my %input;


Sub debug

sub debug {

my $string = shift;
my $level = shift || 3;

$AGI->verbose($string, $level) if ( $debug );


} # sub debug


sub getTTSFilename

sub getTTSFilename {

my ( $text ) = @_;

my $hash = md5_hex($text);
my $wavefile = “$SOUNDDIR”.“tts-diirectory-$hash.wav”;

unless( -f $wavefile ) {
open( fileOUT, “>$SOUNDDIR”.“say-text-$hash.txt” );
print fileOUT “$text”;
close( fileOUT );
my $execf=$T2WDIR.“text2wave $SOUNDDIR”.“say-text-$hash.txt -F 8000 -o $wavefile”;
system( $execf );
unlink( $SOUNDDIR.“say-text-$hash.txt” );

return “$SOUNDDIR”.basename($wavefile,".wav");
} # sub getTTSFilename


sub performSearch {

sub performSearch {

my( $digits, $mode, $hitCnt, $searchstr, $searchstrOrig ) = @_;

my $SUBNAME = “performSearch”;

my $digit = “”;

$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Entering”, 1 );

while(( length( $digits ) > 0 ) &&
( $mode eq $MODE_SEARCHING ) ) {

$digit = substr( $digits, 0, 1 );
$digits = substr( $digits, 1, length( $digits ) - 1 );

switch: {
if( $digit eq “" )
{ $mode = $MODE_COMMAND;
last switch}
if( $digit == 0 )
{ $searchstr .= ".
?~”; # use ? for minimal match i.e. first “$FLSEPERATOR”
$searchstrOrig .= $digit;
last switch}
if( $digit == 1 )
{ $searchstr .= “.”;
last switch}
if( $digit == 2 )
{ $searchstr .= “[abc]”;
$searchstrOrig .= $digit;
last switch}
if( $digit == 3 )
{ $searchstr .= “[def]”;
$searchstrOrig .= $digit;
last switch}
if( $digit == 4 )
{ $searchstr .= “[ghi]”;
$searchstrOrig .= $digit;
last switch}
if( $digit == 5 )
{ $searchstr .= “[jkl]”;
$searchstrOrig .= $digit;
last switch}
if( $digit == 6 )
{ $searchstr .= “[mno]”;
$searchstrOrig .= $digit;
last switch}
if( $digit == 7 )
{ $searchstr .= “[pqrs]”;
$searchstrOrig .= $digit;
last switch}
if( $digit == 8 )
{ $searchstr .= “[tuv]”;
$searchstrOrig .= $digit;
last switch}
if( $digit == 9 )
{ $searchstr .= “[wxyz]”;
$searchstrOrig .= $digit;
last switch}
} # switch


if( $mode eq $MODE_SEARCHING ) {
my $name = “”;
foreach $name ( keys %directory ) {
if( $name !~ /^$searchstr/i ) {
delete $directory{ $name };
} # foreach $name
} # if( $mode eq $MODE_SEARCHING

Output some status info for debug

#foreach $name ( keys %directory ) {

$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Found<$name>”, 1 );

#} # foreach $name
$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: mode<$mode>” , 1 );
$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: searchstr<$searchstr>” , 1 );
$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: searchstrOrig<$searchstrOrig>” , 1 );
$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: hitCnt<$hitCnt>”, 1 );

return $mode, $hitCnt, $searchstr, $searchstrOrig;

} # sub performSearch {


sub loadFile

sub loadFile {

my( $DIRECTORYDIR, $FLSEPERATOR, $name ) = @_;

my $SUBNAME = “loadFile”;
my $hitCnt = 0;
my $line = “”;
my $flname = “”;
$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Entering”, 1 );

open( FILE, $DIRECTORYDIR.$name ); # or die “Cannot open ‘$FILENAME’: $!”;

while( $line = ) {
chop( $line );
chop( $line ); # seem to have a ^M in as well
#print “line<$line>\n”;

my ( $fname, $lname, $bname, $phoneNumbers ) = split /\t/, $line, 4;
#print "fname<$fname>\tlname<$lname>\tbname<$bname>\n";

$flname = "";

$flname .= $fname.$FLSEPERATOR.$lname.$FLSEPERATOR.$bname;

#print "flname<$flname>\tphone<$phoneNumbers>\n";

if(( $phoneNumbers ne ""                          ) &&
   ( $flname       ne "$FLSEPERATOR.$FLSEPERATOR" )     ) {
  if( @numberLabels == 0 ) { # deal with labels
( @numberLabels ) = split /\t/, $phoneNumbers, 9;

  } else { # deal with entries
if( $directory{ $flname } ){
  debug( "$SUBNAME: Duplicate entry <$flname>", 1 );
} else {
  $directory{ $flname } = $phoneNumbers;
  $directoryOrig{ $flname } = $phoneNumbers;
  } #if( $hitCnt
} else {
  debug( "$SUBNAME: No phone number(s) for <$flname>", 1 );
} #if( $phoneNumbers

} #while

close( FILE );

#print “hitCnt<$hitCnt>\n”;

#foreach $name ( keys %directory ) {

print “Loaded <$name>\n”;


return $hitCnt;

} # sub loadFile


sub cmdSelectContactFromMenu {

sub cmdSelectContactFromMenu {

my( $mode, $hitCnt ) = @_;

my $SUBNAME = “cmdSelectContactFromMenu”;
my $contactMenu = “”;
my $escapeDigits = “*”;
my $menuPos = 0;
my $fname = “”;
my $lname = “”;
my $inputKey = “”;

$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Entering”, 1 );

if( $hitCnt > 9 ) {
$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: hitCnt > 9”, 1);
$AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( “$hitCnt” ));
$AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( “names is too may to list” ));

} elsif( $hitCnt == 0 ) {
$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: hitCnt == 0”, 1);
$AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( “There are no names in the list” ));

} else {
my $name = “”;
foreach $name ( sort keys %directory ) {
$name =~ s/~/ /g; # needs to replace with $FLSEPERATOR
$contactMenu .= "Press " . ++$menuPos . " to select $name. ";
$escapeDigits .= “$menuPos”;
} # foreach $name

$AGI->verbose( "$SUBNAME: <$escapeDigits>$contactMenu ", 1);

my $dtmfInput = 0;
while( $dtmfInput == 0 ) {
  $dtmfInput = $AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( "$contactMenu" ), "$escapeDigits" ); 
  ( $dtmfInput > 0 ) or 
$dtmfInput = $AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( "Press star to exit"), "$escapeDigits" ); 
} # while

if( $dtmfInput < 0 ) { # ERROR!
  $mode = $MODE_EXIT;

} else {
  $inputKey = chr( $dtmfInput );

  $AGI->verbose( "$SUBNAME: inputKey = <$inputKey>", 1 );

  if( $inputKey ne "*" ) {
$menuPos = 0;
foreach $name ( sort keys %directory ) {
  if( ++$menuPos != $inputKey ) {
    delete $directory{ $name };
    #print "deleting $name ht:$hitCnt mp:$menuPos \n";
} # foreach $name
  } # if( $inputKey ne "*"
} # if( $dtmfInput < 0

} # if( $hitCnt

#print $hitCnt;
return $mode, $hitCnt;

} # sub cmdSelectContactFromMenu


sub cmdUndoLastSearch {

sub cmdUndoLastSearch {

my( $searchstrOrig, $mode, $hitCnt, $searchstr ) = @_;

my $SUBNAME = “cmdUndoLastSerach”;
my $lastInput = “”;
my $tmpSearchStrOrig = “”;

$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Entering”, 1 );

if( $searchstrOrig ) {
# Reset hit count and search str as we will build this from the updated original search str
$hitCnt = 0;
$searchstr = “”;

# Get last input
$lastInput = substr( $searchstrOrig, length( $searchstrOrig ) - 1, 1);
$AGI->verbose( "$SUBNAME: lastInput <$lastInput>", 1 );

# Chop last input off the end - could us chop()  
chop( $searchstrOrig );
$AGI->verbose( "$SUBNAME: searchstrOrig <$searchstrOrig>", 1 );

# Overwrite re-init directory, should be okay to overwrite
my $key = "";
foreach $key ( keys %directoryOrig ) {
  $directory{ $key } = $directoryOrig{ $key };

# Reprocess search
# We have to mess with the mode here as we are in command mode but need to be in 
# search mode for the call to perform search - not nice
( $mode, $hitCnt, $searchstr, $searchStrOrig ) = 
  performSearch( $searchstrOrig, "$MODE_SEARCHING", $hitCnt, $searchstr, "" );
$mode = $MODE_COMMAND;

$AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( "Last search input, $lastInput, undone" ) ); 

} else {
$AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( “Search input empty, nothing to undo.” ) );

} # if( $searchstrOrig

return $searchstrOrig, $mode, $hitCnt, $searchstr;

} # sub cmdUndoLastSearch


sub cmdReviewSearch

sub cmdReviewSearch {

my( $searchstrOrig ) = @_;

my $SUBNAME = “cmdReviewSerach”;

$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Entering”, 1 );

if( $searchstrOrig ) {
$AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( "Search input entered so far is $searchstrOrig. " ) );

} else {
$AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( “Search input empty.” ) );

} # if( $searchstrOrig

return $searchstrOrig, $mode, $hitCnt, $searchstr;

} # sub cmdReviewSearch


processTargetNumber {

sub processTargetNumber {

my( $mode, $targetName, $targetNumber ) = @_;

my $SUBNAME = “processTargetNumber”;

$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Entering”, 1 );

$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Target number before cleanup <$targetNumber>”, 1 );

expect number in format or similar

- $INTLDAILINGCODE (area-code) local-number

- $NATIONALDAILINGCODE area-code local-number

- local number

$targetNumber =~ s/\s//g;
$targetNumber =~ s/+/$INTLDAILINGCODE/;
$targetNumber =~ s/\D//g;

$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Target number after cleanup <$targetNumber>”, 1 );

$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Dialing $targetName on ($targetNumber)”, 1 );

$AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( “Dialing $targetName on $targetNumber” ) );

$AGI->set_variable( ‘DIRNUMBER’, “$targetNumber” );

return $mode;

} # sub processTargetNumber




Initialise Asterisk AGI

$AGI = new Asterisk::AGI;

%input = $AGI->ReadParse();
;foreach $i (sort keys %input) {
; $AGI->verbose( " – $i = $input{ $i }", 4 );

Load the phone direcotry

my $directoryName = $ARGV[0];

$hitCnt = loadFile( $DIRECTORYDIR, $FLSEPERATOR, $directoryName );

if( $hitCnt == 0 ) {
$mode = $MODE_EXIT;
$AGI->verbose( “There was a problem opening the directory”, 1);
$AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( “There was a problem opening the directory” ));
$AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( “Please contact the system administrator” ));

Enter the main processing loop

while(( $mode eq $MODE_SEARCHING ) ||
( $mode eq $MODE_COMMAND ) ) {

Return dynamic menu

my $inputKey = “”;
my $validInput = “”; # False

if( $mode eq $MODE_SEARCHING ) {
$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Search Mode”, 1);

# $AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( "$hitCnt contacts listed" ) );

if( $hitCnt == 0) {
  $inputKey = $AGI->get_data( getTTSFilename( "Zero contacts listed. Press the star key to access the undo last search input function" )); 
} else {
  $inputKey = $AGI->get_data( getTTSFilename( "$hitCnt contacts listed. Spell out the name of the contact by pressing the numbers corresponding to the letters, press 0 to skip to the last name, press 1 to match any letter. Press star for more options" )); 

if( $inputKey == -1  ) { # ERROR!
  $mode = $MODE_EXIT;
} elsif( $inputKey ne "" ) {
  $validInput = ! $validInput; # True

if( $validInput ) {     # Process the input
  $validInput = ""; # Reset to False

  ( $mode, $hitCnt, $searchstr, $searchstrOrig ) = 
performSearch( $inputKey, $mode, $hitCnt, $searchstr, $searchstrOrig );

} # if( $validInput

} else { #MODE_COMMAND
$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: Command Mode”, 1);

$inputKey =
  $AGI->get_data( getTTSFilename( "Press 1 to list contacts. " .
			      "Press 2 to undo last search input. " .
			      "Press 3 to review search input. " .
			      "Press 9 to continue searching. " .
			      "Press star to exit. " ), 2000, 1 );

if( $inputKey == -1  ) { # ERROR!
  $mode = $MODE_EXIT;
} elsif( $inputKey ne "" ) {
  $validInput = ! $validInput; # True

if( $validInput ) {     # Process the input
  $validInput = ""; # Reset to False

switch: {
if( $inputKey eq "*" ) 
  { $mode = $MODE_EXIT;
    last switch}
if( $inputKey == 1 ) 
  { ( $mode, $hitCnt ) = cmdSelectContactFromMenu( $mode, $hitCnt );
    last switch}
if( $inputKey == 2 ) 
  { ( $searchstrOrig, $mode, $hitCnt, $searchstr ) = 
      cmdUndoLastSearch( $searchstrOrig, $mode, $hitCnt, $searchstr  );
    last switch}
if( $inputKey == 3 ) 
  { cmdReviewSearch( $searchstrOrig );
    last switch}
if( $inputKey == 9 ) 
  { $mode = $MODE_SEARCHING;
    last switch}
  } # switch
} # if( $validInput

} # if( $mode eq $MODE_SEARCHING

if(( $mode eq $MODE_SEARCHING ) ||
( $mode eq $MODE_COMMAND ) ){
# Check if we found what we want or nothing left
if( $hitCnt == 1 ) {
$mode = $MODE_FOUND;

} # while(

if( $mode eq $MODE_FOUND ) {

Determine number to dial

my $targetName = “”;
my $targetNumber = “”;
my @targetNumbers;

Get array of possible numbers to dial, should only be one contact to take

my $name = “”;
foreach $name ( keys %directory ) {
$targetName = $name;
$targetName =~ s/~/ /g; #need to replace with FLSEPERATOR
( @targetNumbers ) = split /\t/, $directory{ $name }, 9;

} # foreach $name

Match the numbers to the number labels in case we need to prompt

my $numberPosCnt = 0;
my @numberMenu = ();
my $escapeDigits = “*”;

my $number = “”;
foreach $number ( @targetNumbers ) {

if( $number ne "" ) { # Create a menu entry
  $targetNumber = $number;
  $escapeDigits .= "$numberPosCnt";
  $numberMenu[ @numberMenu ] = 
"Press $numberPosCnt to dial $numberLabels[ $numberPosCnt - 1 ]. ";

} #foreach $number

$numberMenu[ @numberMenu ] = "Press * to exit. ";

$AGI->verbose( “$SUBNAME: numberMenu <@numberMenu>”, 1);

if( @numberMenu > 2 ) { # Multiple numbers, prompt
my $digit = 0;

while( $mode eq $MODE_SEARCHING ) { # keep prompting till we get valid input
  my $dfmtInput = 0;
  my $prompt = "";

  $AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( "$targetName has multiple numbers listed. " ) );

  foreach $prompt ( @numberMenu ) { # cycle through the prompts
($dtmfInput > 1 ) or 
  $dtmfInput = $AGI->stream_file( getTTSFilename( "$prompt" ), "$escapeDigits" );
$AGI->verbose( "$SUBNAME: Chosen number<$dtmfInput>", 1 );
  } # foreach
  if( $dtmfInput < 0 ) { # ERROR!
$mode = $MODE_EXIT;

  } elsif( $dtmfInput > 0 ) { # valid input
$mode = $MODE_FOUND;
$digit = chr( $dtmfInput );
} # while 

if( $digit eq "*" ) {
  $mode = $MODE_EXIT;
} else {
  $targetNumber =  $targetNumbers[ $digit - 1 ];

} # if( @numberMenu

if( $mode eq $MODE_FOUND ) {
$mode = processTargetNumber( $mode, $targetName, $targetNumber );
} #( $mode eq $MODE_FOUND


I keep get this read back to me:

There was a problem opening the directory.

The format for the file is as described and asterisk has rights to the directory.

This is my extension

exten => 100,1,agi,phonebook.agi|Phonebook}
exten => 100,2,GotoIf($["${DIRNUMBER}" = “”]?3:4)
exten => 100,3,Hangup
exten => 100,4,Dial(SIP/${DIRNUMBER}@viatalk-gw,30)
