I have a 3 asterisk servers, one on static IP and the other two dynamic IPs which register to it using IAX. I had no real problems until I upgraded all three to 1.2. Now one of the two dynamic IP servers is dropping IAX calls several times a day. Each time it happens, /var/log/asterisk/messages shows messages like this right at the time the call drops:
app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type ‘Zap’ (cause 17 - User busy)
and I’m also seeing message such as this in the log throughout the day but not at the same time the calls drop:
chan_iax2.c: chan_iax2: ast_sched_runq ran 11924 scheduled tasks all at once
The other dynamic IP machine also has similar “ast_sched” log entries but it is not dropping calls.
When I upgraded to 1.2, I made no changes other than commenting out two lines containing “chan_modem.so” in modules.conf
I’m not sure what to try, other than rolling back to 1.0.9. Any thoughts would be appreciated.