Dialplan show not showing entrie from database

I have configured asterisk to use PostgreSQL database for extensions (diaplan). its working perfectly and my diaplan working but when i issue diaplan show incoming, its not showing the diaplan entries:

Srv1*CLI> dialplan show incoming
[ Context ‘incoming’ created by ‘pbx_config’ ]
Include => ‘other_context’ [pbx_config]
Alt. Switch => ‘Realtime/@extensions’ [pbx_config]

-= 0 extensions (0 priorities) in 1 context. =-

kindly guide me how to issue the command to fetch/show diaplan entries for a specific context from the database?

You can’t. The database is queried when the dialplan is used. It is not read in and stored, and thus does not appear in “dialplan show incoming”.

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