Connecting two softphones to cameras without success!

Is xx.xx.15.43 a valid address to reach Asterisk from the caller?

Basically Asterisk has set up the call and is waiting for the caller to confirm that it has received the message saying that.

Also note that no video stream has been requested for this call. Video cannot added mid-call.

Yes. xx.xx.15.43 is a valid address to reach asterisk from the caller, because the caller 6001 (Zoiper) calls to other 6004 (Zoiper) and works!

The curious is from Zoipeers now can to communicate between them (6001->6003 and vice versa) and hear and talking well. Ten minutes ago, and without to change nothing this no it was worked.

But now from Zoipers to the cameras cannot communicate it.

During a few moments Zoipers could communicate to 6002, 6004 and 6005 (Cameras) but suddenly and without change nothing, stopped works!

I Attached the las debug file Billyvb2004…03.txt

debug_log_billyvb2004_03.txt (1.8 MB)

Your reasoning is incomplete. The address i quoted is taken from information sent by Asterisk. The log does not show, for certain, the address used to initially contact Asterisk. You will need to trace the OK back to the UAC and any ACK back to Asterisk and see where one or the other is being lost. If the address is valid to reach Asterisk, Asterisk is working correctly, and, as far as it is concerned, has set up a voice only call.

Well really I don’t need video call, only audio call, at least the first step, because if all works fine, the next will be the video call.

This means if Do I setting “videosupport=no”, only audiocall will be setting up?

I’ve never used Asterisk with video, but your caller is not requesting video, so the call will never have video until you change the caller to do so.

Ok, first I would like to it works only with video.

One questions more:

When I connect remotely with ssh to asterisk server and elevate the permissions to super user (sudo su) and access to *CLI> "asterisk -vvvvvc" all seems works better.

But when I disconnect Ctrl-C and return Linux prompt, all let to working.

Is it possible that problem as well, will be permission under some files and folders, unconfigured?

This is the permission files test, Are they corrects?:

MacBook-Air-de-Billy:~ billyvanegas$ ssh manager@xx.xx.xx.43
manager@xx.xx.xx.43's password: 
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Last login: Mon Feb 18 12:56:23 2019 from xx.xx.xx.90
manager@sipbrotonsmart:~$ sudo su
[sudo] password for manager: 
root@sipbrotonsmart:/home/manager# sudo ls -la /usr/sbin | grep asterisk
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root    root    15172809 Feb 11 13:56 asterisk
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root    root           8 Feb 11 13:56 rasterisk -> asterisk
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root    root        6279 Feb 11 13:56 safe_asterisk
root@sipbrotonsmart:/home/manager# sudo ls -la /etc | grep asterisk
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 Feb 18 11:07 asterisk
root@sipbrotonsmart:/home/manager# sudo ls -la /var/lib | grep asterisk
drwxr-xr-x 14 root    root    4096 Feb 18 12:25 asterisk
root@sipbrotonsmart:/home/manager# sudo ls -la /var/log | grep asterisk
drwxr-xr-x  5 root      root       4096 Feb 18 11:42 asterisk