Call not terminating for dialer

I have the following dial plan which works properly, but the extension dialing the call continues to ring, although the call is answered. I have tried several variations in extensions.conf, but have not found a solution:

; Forward calls to 9876 and handle answer state
exten => 9877,1,NoOp(Processing call forwarded to 9876)
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/3cx-trunk/sip:9876@3CXPublicIp,30,U(send-dtmf)) ; Use U() to run subroutine after answer
same => n,Hangup()

exten => s,1,NoOp(Sending DTMF tones and playing demo-congrats)
same => n,Wait(1) ; Wait for the call to be fully established
same => n,SendDTMF(00) ; Send the DTMF tones #00
same => n,Wait(1) ; Wait briefly after sending DTMF
same => n,Playback(demo-congrats,noanswer) ; Play demo-congrats file but don’t treat as answering
same => n,Return() ; Ensure subroutine exits cleanly

Without the “a” option, Asterisk won’t answer the A side until it is about to bridge the B side.

What’s wrong with the A and D options?

a,U(send-dtmf)) fixed the issue.

Thank you

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