Beanstalkd won't compile

I’m trying to compile Asterisk 16.9.0 on CentOS7 with Beanstalkd support. I can’t seem to get it to compile. If I have beanstalkd installed and run ./configure , menuselect claims cdr_beanstalkd is unavailable. If I try to download the beanstalkd source and use the --with-beanstalk flag, I get the following output:

./configure --with-jansson-bundled --with-beanstalk=/home/build/beanstalkd-1.11

checking for mandatory modules:  JANSSON PJPROJECT BEANSTALK... fail

configure: ***
configure: *** The BEANSTALK installation appears to be missing or broken.
configure: *** Either correct the installation, or run configure
configure: *** including --without-beanstalk.

Should I open a bug for this? Thank You.

Mhm. Works here in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. How did you compile your Beanstalk daemon?

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