Hi all…
is there a way to obtain a service level classification of voip number inside Asterisk?
I mean…
% availability of Voip Number during a time interval…free…busy…unavailable…
Hi all…
is there a way to obtain a service level classification of voip number inside Asterisk?
I mean…
% availability of Voip Number during a time interval…free…busy…unavailable…
What do you mean by VoIP numbers inside Asterisk?
Are you talking about VoIP trunk from service provider and you want collect the call status for numbers for that trunk?
If yes then use some queries on top of cdr to get the details.
–Satish Barot
We need to obtain the service level for voip number configured…
Usage statistics…
Asterisk 13 has a res_statsd module that can send statistics to a statsd server (or anything actually). There’s only basic support for chan_sip but if you’re using chan_pjsip, you can get stats reported on individual contacts and endpoints.
When they go online and offline, the round trip time of the last qualify, when they answer or make a call, and when they hangup.
for customer’s need i create a script that checks trunks availability…every one minute…
if trunks are all busy the script will write a record to a MySql DB…1 record=1 minute of system not available…
And every month i’ll do the sums…