I have another system that we use for our QA people for testing. I have about 18 people on it all using XLite.
Asterisk 1.4.30 and freePBX (this is asteriskNOW 1.5 original install)
1)The problem I’m having is that no calls are being logged as far as CDR’s.
- Call recording is set to always and is not showing up in the User Portal, yet the files are in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
3)Also, in the system status, im getting this error:
Failed to copy from module agi-bin
Retrieve conf failed to copy file(s) from a module’s agi-bin dir: chmod(): Operation not permitted
chmod(): Operation not permitted
chmod(): Operation not permitted
chmod(): Operation not permitted
chmod(): Operation not permitted
chmod(): Operation not permitted
chmod(): Operation not permitted
chmod(): Operation not permitted
Added 4 minutes ago
Thanks for anyhelp you can provide.