Hello all,
Most of you would be groaning about now, why is this guy using an obsolete version…? It seems that the latest Asterisk (which I would prefer to use) drops support for “app_rpt” and “chan_simpleusb” which means that my $180 USB Radio Interface (by DMK Engineering) is a fancy paperweight. Additionally, while there is support for the LOX Board on the BeagleBoard-xM, I’m having to “roll my own” when it comes to the RaspberryPi.
The RaspberryPi (for those not in the know) is a Broadcom 600MHz ARM single board computer, with two USB, network, HDMi and a wicked GFX chip. It doesn’t have a DSP like the Ti chips on the BeagleBoard have, but it has low power consumption, and low cost - AU$38 before shipping. Since I’ll be using these RPis with a battery and solar panels over a weekend period, and since I don’t want to drag a generator to the top of a hill, low power consumption is a must.
Ok, now, as per title, I’m using 1.4.23-pre, as SVN checked out from the ohnosec.org site. It includes Zaptel, which is where the major issues are - I need tonezone! So I’ve got two solutions, how easy they may be depends on a number of factors (YMMV).
I somehow force the compilation of Zaptel to look for the tonezone package I downloaded via apt-get - this would be preferred, unless I actually need Zaptel for more than just tonezone?
I fix the kernel source missing issue, which will not happen for a little bit - I am currently downloading the git sources including the kernel, but there is no apt package on Raspbian for 3.2.27+ so far.
Now, the big issue at the moment is app_rpt will not select in “make menuselect” because it says its dependant on tonezone. Ok, fair enough. As mentioned, I downloaded tonezone-dev and tonezone2.0 via apt. Is there a cheap and nasty (read: source hacking) way to make the whole thing look for those apt packages rather than me going through the motions of making sure Zaptel compiles?
I’ve also put tonezone.h into /usr/include/zaptel, but to no avail so far. As I said, I’m looking for a cheap and nasty way of getting this running, I have one more day before I go away to Sydney for a week doing a Open Cabling Licence course, and of course, my rack with all my radio gear in it will be shut down for that week - RCDs are not surge protectors… ^.~
Ok, so, there we have it, the box and dice. Can I get this running? Well, Rome wasn’t built in a day, of course…
Many thanks in advance for any help…!